HEIEN Under new managment

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HEIEN Under new managment

Post by MalcolmR »

Under New Owners.

Hi all,

Bought this kit as I thought it was cheap for a 1/144 scale ship of this size. After deciding to buy the deck overlay, that almost doubled the price! but I'd never tried a deck overlay before. After a bit of research, I decided to build it as “Heien” as used by the Japanese after it's capture on 17th February 1895 rather than “Ping Yuen” as built and used by the Chinese. After capture by the Japanese on the 16 March 1895 she was renamed “Pingyuan-go” then renamed a second time on the 21 March 1898 as “Heien” as a “First-Class Gunboat”. Assigned to the 3rd Sqn Japanese Imperial Navy and used as part of the blockading force against the Russian navy at Port Arthur. Struck a mine on the 18th of September 1904 in Piegan Bay and later foundered in heavy weather. Model mounted on a base at anchor to represent a river estuary made using a piece of storiform, toilet tissue and PVA glue, then after painting a coat of “Scenic Making Waves” to finish off. Most of the davits turned inboard and detail added to the ships boats as they are quite plain as suppled. Used some photos on the interned to get details of “Heien”.
1-144 Heien 25-01-2024 010 copy B&W.JPG
1-144 Heien 25-01-2024 011.JPG
1-144 Heien 25-01-2024 022.JPG
1-144 Heien 25-01-2024 029.JPG
1-144 Heien 25-01-2024 033.JPG
Never really had an interest in turn of the century ships before but after making this ship it has got me interested now. It certainly has caricature (the wife called it cluttered) so have obtained the other ship in the Bronco series (Chih Yuen)

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Joined: Sun Sep 27, 2020 4:02 pm

Re: HEIEN Under new managment

Post by MikeV »

That's very nice - I have the Bronco job 'in stock' - and I have to say wondered why the davits were all turned outboard on their instructions ?

Currently still wrestling with the K'fisch Kutter but making slow progress !!

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