CMB 213

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CMB 213

Post by MalcolmR »

Hi all,

Looks like I got my alphabet wrong, CMB instead of HDML. No matter.
Bought & built the Brengun Tupolev G-5 torpedo boat a while back and thought about reworking it to a CMB. Well, I obtained a second Brengun boat to give it a try. After studying some photos & dimensions, (the 55ft CMB is 60ft long & the Tupolev G-5 is 61ft long so close enough for me to work to) It looked like I needed to give the stern a slightly increased and rounded look. (As you can see, I'm not a rivet counter. If it looks close enough to what I see I can work with that). After cutting the waste resin off the hull I added strips of plasticard to the hull from bow to stern & a thinner strip to the hull chine line as sanding guides.
01  2023 002  01---.JPG
02  CMB 17-11-2023 003  02---.JPG

Some masking tape was added to the upper hull and then I used car body filler to reshape the hull. The masking tape was removed while the filler was still soft. This left a narrow strip that I used as a guide to sand to when reshaping the hull topsides.
04  CMB 17-11-2023 005  03---.JPG
03  CMB 17-11-2023 007  04---.JPG

Once the hull sides were sanded to shape. Strips of plasticard were added to the hull sides to represent reinforcing strips.
05  CMB 17-11-2023 009  05---.JPG

The gunner's position on the bow was cut off and filled as the boat I was doing has separate intake cowls on the bow not the big air scoop. The bridge was then made and then what I assume are the torpedo guides at the stern
06  CMB 19-11-2023 009  06---.JPG

Now down to detail work/painting and an appropriate base to show it to best advantage.
CMB 213  03-12-2023  001 (13)---.JPG
CMB 213 28-11-2023  001 (26)---.JPG
CMB 213 28-11-2023  001 (27)---.JPG

Model is painted as CMB 213 used and sunk in the Mediterranean Sea. Crete 1941 as one of a batch taken over from the Philippines Navy

Sorry that some of the photos are slightly blurred

Next up is the NeOmega model of the HDML. (Maybe if I don’t get distracted again.)
07  CMB 19-11-2023 021  08---.JPG

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Tim R-T-C
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Re: CMB 213

Post by Tim R-T-C »

Superb little build

Posts: 117
Joined: Sat Oct 24, 2020 2:58 pm

Re: CMB 213

Post by TerryP »

You've made a beautiful job of it.

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