Stoke (Stafford) Aug 27th 2023

Souvenirs, souvenirs...
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Stoke (Stafford) Aug 27th 2023

Post by MikeV »

SIG goes to Stafford

The SIG had a great day out yesterday at the Stafford Show Ground venue. Huw, Emma & Tim plus yours truly showed a lot (I don't think we actually counted, so the technical term 'lot' applies)of models across the various genres. Under-table sales are allowed at Stafford so Huw did a brisk trade with T&E operating in the reverse direction by de-stocking several retailers. Even I managed to find a bargain book, (well, it was about the Avro Arrow)

The Yacht Club garnered a good deal of attention (or it might have been Huw's bargains ) as did Tim & Emma's astonishingly detailed vignettes. Huw and I held our own with layers of Spitfires and things with tri-angular wings

We experimented with a number of variations (at one point 'live' during the show) on our display layout confirming both the flexibility we need in view of the ever-changing table and venue sizes we have to contend with and that our SIG is one of the better presented displays seen at shows.

It's a very relaxed, friendly, show with excellent catering - our gratitude and thanks to the organisers. Few initial pics attached
Water, wheels and rotors
Water, wheels and rotors
pick n mix
pick n mix
Emma's unique subject choices always evoke interest
Emma's unique subject choices always evoke interest
Huw and I combined forces to air the burgeoning 'Delta' sub set
Huw and I combined forces to air the burgeoning 'Delta' sub set
Ronde de Dassault - we still have more to do - Kfirs etc...
Ronde de Dassault - we still have more to do - Kfirs etc...
variation one
variation one
final go....hmmmm
final go....hmmmm
attempt No 2
attempt No 2

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Tim R-T-C
Posts: 309
Joined: Fri Oct 23, 2020 9:16 pm

Re: Stoke (Stafford) Aug 27th 2023

Post by Tim R-T-C »


I do particularly like the Stoke venue - good size hall, easy access and endless parking.

Always seems to be a good turnout too.


Some of my latest on the table.


I've ordered a few photo coasters to help group some of my vignettes together.


Nothing new for me at the trade stands, but Emma Jane found a few 144th Gundams!

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