Joining SIG144

Few notes to anyone thinking of joining our merry band
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Posts: 304
Joined: Sun Sep 27, 2020 4:02 pm

Joining SIG144

Post by MikeV »

You can only join SIG144 if you are a current, paid-up member of IPMS UK or national branches world-wide.

If you are you will already know that there are many benefits to membership including (in the UK at least) free entry to the biggest model show in the world Scale Model World every November.

Joining the SIG & forum gives you full access to the members area which includes news, reviews, members' builds and a Trading Post for your wants and sales. amongst many other things

We do have to pay for the forum hosting etc so there is a (very) small contribution ( currently less than a couple of pots of paint or a single magazine at £5.00 ). Payment is via PayPal - - please state 'friends and family'

All you have to do is go to 'contact us' and send your full name, IPMS membership number and your choice of pen-name / avatar*. We'll get back to you, please bear in mind that while we try to check the inbox every day(ish) we are a tiny volunteer organisation with families and day-jobs so don't panic if it takes a day or two !!

*As some posts will be visible to non-members you may wish to choose a witty nom de plume / callsign for your profile / sign in ('Maverick' ,'Red 6' or perhaps 'Gandalf' for example)This protects your anonymity outside the group and avoids possible confusion between multiple Johns or Mikes within.

If you are not already an IPMS member we would urge you to find out more and join, you will not regret it !!

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