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Magic roundabouts...Milton Keynes May 25th 2024

Posted: Mon May 27, 2024 9:15 pm
by MikeV
ModelKraft has moved to a new venue - still a school campus but lighter and airier than the previous and certainly easier to park. Catering was very good too, but due to the decision to get as many clubs and traders in as possible we were allocated only one six-foot table.

Consequently only David and I attended (albeit Terry came along - on a motorbike no less- to offer support) An appeal to the umpires on arrival saw us take up a cancellation which gave two tables and was actually in a better location.

Fortuitously as it turned out, David had brought his space ships and the OR155 prototypes. I showed a Luftwaffe collection, some miscellaneous fighters and some subs.

We had a very busy day with lots of interest and favourable comment - the missionary work continues!
just after set-up
just after set-up
David's amazing scratch-builds were much admired, including by none other than Mat Irvine
David's amazing scratch-builds were much admired, including by none other than Mat Irvine
Gun ships and misc fighters
Gun ships and misc fighters
The Yacht club
The Yacht club
seen on one of the club stands was this splendid 144 B-1 with a couple of F-15s in tow and some armour on the desert below - excellent image of what 144 can do
seen on one of the club stands was this splendid 144 B-1 with a couple of F-15s in tow and some armour on the desert below - excellent image of what 144 can do