Ahhh....de Havilland May 2024

Souvenirs, souvenirs...
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Ahhh....de Havilland May 2024

Post by MikeV »

A number of SIG members visited the DeHavilland museum on Sunday for what turned out to be a quite delightful show at the recently re-furbished museum, home to no less than three actual Mosquitos.

Amongst the wonderful museum aircraft were a surprisingly large number of traders and clubs. Terry had managed to secure quite the best location for his extensive evocation of the eponymous Marque. Quite apart from his skill as a scratch-builder his presentation was interwoven with memorabilia and stories that included Antarctic exploration, the earliest air to air refuelling, a 1939 incident where Japanese Claude fighters molested a British civil aircraft, and 'here be Dragons, a most convincing display of why 144 has room for more.

Given that the day before he had single-handedly shown at Mildenhall to repeat the feat the following day shows dedication above & beyond - our salute to you sir!

Also present, albeit with his parent club was Callum who showed some superbly finished modern jets including the brand new 2024 'D Day' display Typhoon that had only been revealed to the public ten days earlier - outstanding!

There was a lot of 144 around the show too......I do believe the missionary work is having an effect!
Terry with his unique all-deHavilland display - and just look at that setting!
Terry with his unique all-deHavilland display - and just look at that setting!
here be Dragons...
here be Dragons...
Antarctica, yes that's a scratchbuilt sledge slung under the Beaver (also scratch)
Antarctica, yes that's a scratchbuilt sledge slung under the Beaver (also scratch)
Callum's excellent section on his club stand, including the brand new Typhoon scheme - nice one!
Callum's excellent section on his club stand, including the brand new Typhoon scheme - nice one!
144 was much in evidence around the show too
144 was much in evidence around the show too

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