T.I.D. 164

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T.I.D. 164

Post by MalcolmR »

Hi all
Just completed my second NeOmega model of the T.I.D. tug This time I have completed it as T.I.D. 164 as preserved at the “Medway Maritime Museum” Chatham Docks. Obviously, a different paint scheme and a few additional parts added. Also have tried a different water base. (The” Scenic,s Water” system is rather expensive) so have used a “Faller” transparent plastic embossed sheet and “Scenic,s Water” system “Making Waves” gel to blend the tug and water base together. Little bit of paint under the sheet plus a smattering of white paint to create the impression of waves. Not too bad if I say so myself. (A lot cleaner and easier than measuring & mixing clear resin) completed using some of NeOmega merchant navy figures. Placed in a small display case to keep them out of trouble collecting dust.
TID 164 029.JPG
TID 164 026.JPG
TID 164 015.JPG
TID 164 009.JPG
TID 164 002.JPG

Next up is the NeOmega model of the HDML. Looks beautiful but the 3D printed parts look delicate.

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Re: T.I.D. 164

Post by MikeV »

Hi Malcolm

I didn't know that faller water texture was still about - I'll seek some out. Lovely job!

Re the NeOmega HDML it was at Telford - it looks stunning and I would have got one except that British Phantoms had somewhat blown the budget! I know at least one member of the 'Yacht Club' was unable to resist mind.....

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Tim R-T-C
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Re: T.I.D. 164

Post by Tim R-T-C »

Lovely work on the ship and good basework too, looks very effective.

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