Northern Model Show - 4th June 2023

Souvenirs, souvenirs...
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Northern Model Show - 4th June 2023

Post by MikeV »

SIG144 had a great day out North of the Tyne Tunnel yesterday with most of us setting off at oh-dark-thirty for an early set-up.......

Exhibiting were Huw, David Hart, Tim & Emma, Malcolm, yours truly and joined-on-the-day new member David Ferrari.

David brought a particularly nice Welsh Models Weather Herc (of the extended proboscis and bulbous radome) welcome to the crew sir !

In something of a change display wise we gave the SIG's growing Yacht-club centre stage with Malcolm's seriously impressive ship models heavily featured - albeit Huw and I contributed a submarine or three as well. Also heavily featured were David Hart's much admired Space Ports alongside Em's Gundams, some Star Wars bits and Thunderbird 1......let it never be said we are not eclectic in our subject matter!

Huw mounted a splendid Japanese Aviation display and once again the seemingly ever-expanding Delta's theme covered matters triangular. Finally Tim and Emma's dioramic efforts were the subject of much interest from visitors and Tim carried off a Gold - not to mention a lovely engraved whisky glass - for a superb Mustang on which the paint was barely dry as he only finished it at 23.00Hrs the night before (we've all been there Tim - welcome to the Midnight Modellers' Club)

Thanks everybody for all the help with the tear-down and packing - a super day out.

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Tim R-T-C
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Re: Northern Model Show - 4th June 2023

Post by Tim R-T-C »

A great show, always loads of space to setup and browse too.


Vignettes by Emma and I


My latest completion, a Beacon Models Spitfire Mk.1


Emma's latest, a little idlyic Welsh campsite


Delta Wings from several modellers


Some of the magnificent naval objects on display including beautiful ships from club member Malcolm




The Sci-fi Zone including David's incredible rocket ships.


Emma's creatively posed Gundams


Huw's collection, featuring a wealth of Japanese types.


As the Northern Show is one of the only region shows to have a distinct 144th category, it seemed rude not to support it with a little P-51, which wonderfully took the gold and will now be getting the vignette treatment.


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