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P-47D in Northern Italy (Eduard né Platz)

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2022 1:32 pm
by Tim R-T-C

Somewhere in Northern Italy in late '44 (or was it early' 45?) a P-47d of the 86th Fighter Squadron is prepared for another ground attack operation against withdrawing German forces, but when word comes through that the target is enveloped in cloud, the strike is postponed. While the pilot enjoys the relative luxury of the wooden mess hut, the flight crew huddle around awaiting a go or no go instruction.

This build was less about the plane than the scenic base. I recently picked up the Sweet PSP kit and really wanted to try them out and blending them into the snow seemed like a good way to fit them to my canvas bases.

The PSP comes with raised edges like the Sweet carrier decks. I had to cut this away and carefully saw the remaining piece to fit the canvas in a diorama rulebook oblique angle.

The aircraft is the Platz mould in the Eduard bagging. Assembly was of course seamless but I did have some painting issues when my sprayed varnish reacted oddly around the decals, particularly on the wings and addition varnish layers didn't help.


I couldn't strip the whole thing and restart as the decals were already down and the Eduard bagging was limited to just 150 and is long out of production.

Careful application of Mr Paint Remover just on the wings was followed by brush painting with Revell Aqua Aluminium and some watercolour pencil weathering instead.

Figures are Preiser.





Re: P-47D in Northern Italy (Eduard né Platz)

Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2023 9:53 pm
by Stick & Strings Joe
Joe M